Habits and Rituals of the Clan: an anthropologists’ field notes. part 1/3.

Upon observation, the Clan of Spokey Doke Broadship exhibits many and diverse habits and rituals:

1. Wake-up call / Thermarest-hissing

Unlike other human clans, the broads to not awaken to the sound of an alarm clock.  An alarm clock does ring, habitually at 7:00 and  7:05 every morning, but the broads perpetually disregard it.  Instead, the sound of a Thermarest releasing air in a hissing-like manner, occurring usually much later than the initial alarm clock, springs the broads into action. When one broad deflates her Thermarest, the remaining clan members know it it truly time to emerge from their sleeping bag cocoons and get ready for the day ahead of them.

2.  The quotidian coffee ritual

For the broads, coffee is not just a stimulant, nor simply a beverage, but a rich and complex ritual to be observed on a daily basis (if not on multiple occasions a day).  In the morning, intense conversations surrounding gender and politics, and gender politics, accompany the coffee ritual and often lead to a later start than desired.

a mid-day coffee ritual indoors.

a leisurely morning coffee ritual in the redwoods

3.  Lingering in places for longer than necessary, yet just long enough to establish relationships with kindly folk

Example #1: after a harrowing 8-mile ride on Highway 1 from Arcata to Eureka CA, wherein Broad Molly’s brand new tire got a flat, the clan parked itself at the food co-op for many hours until near-dark. A curious co-op employee named Jim was bemused by the clan’s antics and called his wife to ask if they could stay the night. Upon arrival at Jim’s house, the broads were offered wine as they cozied up to a film – Machete – with Jim’s wife Lisa.

Example #2: riding along the Avenue of the Giants, a glorious redwoods venue, the broads approached one campsite which did not meet their satisfaction. With the sun slipping away, the clan trudged forth onto the next campsite – but not before a visit to the local bar. A few beers and rounds of pool later, the clan had met new friends. Amy, an intoxicated and slightly agro (as well as charming and friendly) gal bought Broads Liz and Ilana drinks before even speaking to them.  Meanwhile, Michelle, a flaming country lady, quickly bonded with Broad Ilana over young love and the Green Bay Packers.  She offered the broads Swiss Chalet leftovers of breaded shrimp. Having not eaten for a few hours, the ravenous clan devoured them, and with this renewed energy set off into the night to the nearest campsite.

lollygagging at trader joes for hours on end, Broad Ilana replaces her bicycle with a motorized shopping cart

4. Resourcefulness / Scavenging

The broads, being a cycling clan on a budget, are a resource-sensitive folk. They are quick to see the multi-purpose nature of all things. Petroleum, for instance, a substance dreaded by many a cyclist, is reframed by the clan as a cheap and accessible source of gas for cooking stoves.  The clan has also come to understand the tampon’s use as a makeshift bandage, as first experience by Broad Liz on a rabble-rousing ride on the 101 Freeway into San Francisco.  Getting her wheel caught in a sketchy metal grate, Broad Liz broke her fall with her hand, which unfortunately landed on a shard of highway-side glass. In pain but anxious to get off the freeway, Liz bandaged her finger-wound with a spare tampon, which aptly absorbed the blood.

Broad Molly exhibits territorial behaviour while scavenging strawberries

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